14 days left until I'm gone. We've been counting down for a while now but it's getting real. I'm starting to freak out about getting all of my stuff out of the classroom, figuring out where to put everything, and trying to get everything organized for the new crazy coming in. I'm going to miss the kids and the constant chaos... okay, not the chaos since I'm OCD, but the teachable moments that occur because of the chaos. I think people forget in their everyday lives that not everyone grew up with parents teaching them common sense and I have come to realize that THAT is my job... or will be my job for 14 more days. I have to say, too, that I have learned more in the last three years than most fresh-out college grads. Did you know that "kicks" does not mean the cereal anymore?!?! A "trick" is not magic, "trippin'" is not before you fall, and "swangin'" is not done on a swing. I laugh outloud every time I see the CareerBuilder commercials with monkeys (fave being the laser pointers). I'M THAT GUY! Or girl. eh. I love to tell the kids to convince me that evolution doesn't exist (they love to play "Ask the Athiest") when all of their friends act like monkeys! So, on memory lane tonight...
"Miss! Can you really glue a pinecone to an apple and grow a pineapple tree?"
The crazy thing is... I was THAT girl! I don't buy into the act as I created the act; I was the girl in high school that looked up to find "gullible" on the ceiling. Don't get me wrong, I was in the GT classes BUT I wanted everyone to laugh so I played dumb. You can't out-dumb a dumby! She IS one of my favorites, though...
My only worry about leaving, in reality, is that I won't have all of the funny and heartwarming stories. It makes me sad when they tell me to stay and I know I can't. It makes me proud. It makes me feel appreciated. It makes me feel like a quitter. But then again I know that someone else will come in with the energy and passion I once had (3 long years ago) and I will be long forgotten. Besides, I'm going back to school (because 6 years wasn't already enough) for my masters and maybe I'll teach them in college! I can combine teaching (which I LOVE) and continuing my own education through research. That would be "thowed." (thowed=good)
My own little pineapple tree...
FYI: I know it's not a tree. (No pause) Thanks. (MarkC)
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